PLEASE STOP THE COVID-19 EMAIL INSANITY – OMG it’s totally out of control and NO ONE cares.
I get 20-30+ emails a day from businesses telling me how they are making me safe. Some companies are sending me 2-3 a day, trying to sell me mugs or other worthless crap to benefit various causes. NO WAY I need a stupid mug, blanket or other junk for my trunk
B.S. I say!
Why do you ask?
Because if you’re not already practicing it, you’re an idiot, PERIOD.
My first thought when I started to get bombarded and began to spend a couple of hours a day UNSUBSCRIBING from these crap email updates was the 1976 movie – NETWORK – and the iconic scene
B.S. I say!
Why do you ask?
Because if you’re not already practicing it, you’re an idiot, PERIOD.
My first thought when I started to get bombarded and began to spend a couple of hours a day UNSUBSCRIBING from these crap email updates was the 1976 movie – NETWORK – and the iconic scene
“I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore”.
Yep that’s me
What people and companies need are tips and strategies to “do more business” in these insane times. Instead of posting some sort of Peace, Love and Woodstock “verbal masturbation” why don’t you share business ideas/tips/strategies that WORK FOR YOU to help those that don’t have the resources or money to stay alive and in business during these critical times.
In my industry, home furnishings, this situation will be catastrophic for many manufacturers and retailers. Why, OH let me count the ways.
Let me call it “The arrogance of ignorance”.
For years manufacturers and retailers have been warned of the ever-changing consumer and their buying habits, most in my industry ignored these trends and instead of being “forward-thinking”, their strategy of hope was that “things would return to normal” … whatever that means.
So, in the interest of dealing with this health and business epidemic, share your business SUCCESSES dealing with this brand and retail anomaly.
In my industry, home furnishings, this situation will be catastrophic for many manufacturers and retailers. Why, OH let me count the ways.
Let me call it “The arrogance of ignorance”.
For years manufacturers and retailers have been warned of the ever-changing consumer and their buying habits, most in my industry ignored these trends and instead of being “forward-thinking”, their strategy of hope was that “things would return to normal” … whatever that means.
So, in the interest of dealing with this health and business epidemic, share your business SUCCESSES dealing with this brand and retail anomaly.
WE DO and we’ve been doing it for 10 YEARS for FREE:
STOP the B.S., no one cares. What they care about is survival. Help them with that and do it now!
Oh and BTW LinkedIn contributors, CUT the “How to treat employees”, or other so-called inspirational garbage about this subject, if you don’t treat employees right, they leave .. DUH … CASE CLOSED.
LinkedIn used to be my go-to platform years ago when people shared ideas/strategies/tactics, along with research to support sound business ideas. Now it’s become more of a platform for people to post and repost the obvious with a degree of redundancy that has become virtually worthless to me and I bet many others!
Just my thoughts….
LinkedIn used to be my go-to platform years ago when people shared ideas/strategies/tactics, along with research to support sound business ideas. Now it’s become more of a platform for people to post and repost the obvious with a degree of redundancy that has become virtually worthless to me and I bet many others!
Just my thoughts….