How To Use An Info-Product To Boost Your Business Marketing
One of the most underrated techniques you can use to boost your business marketing as an entrepreneur is to position yourself as an industry leader.
Although this sounds obvious and a target any entrepreneur should aim for, it is out of reach for many small business owners. This is because it is difficult to be considered an industry leader when the competition dwarfs your business.
However, by creating and selling an info-product, you can quickly build your business’s prestige and increase your prospect’s and investor’s trust in your expertise.
An info-product is exactly what it says on the tin. It could be an eBook, audio training program, how-to guide, or even an interview. All that matters is that you’re offering your expertise to others who may find your information useful - such as younger entrepreneurs or those looking to get involved in your industry.
As a result, you can widen your customer base, increase your marketing opportunities and create instant social proof without having to be a market leader in terms of sales.
Here’s how you can use an info-product to boost your business marketing:
Although this sounds obvious and a target any entrepreneur should aim for, it is out of reach for many small business owners. This is because it is difficult to be considered an industry leader when the competition dwarfs your business.
However, by creating and selling an info-product, you can quickly build your business’s prestige and increase your prospect’s and investor’s trust in your expertise.
An info-product is exactly what it says on the tin. It could be an eBook, audio training program, how-to guide, or even an interview. All that matters is that you’re offering your expertise to others who may find your information useful - such as younger entrepreneurs or those looking to get involved in your industry.
As a result, you can widen your customer base, increase your marketing opportunities and create instant social proof without having to be a market leader in terms of sales.
Here’s how you can use an info-product to boost your business marketing:
An info-product can be made quickly, easily, and cheaply
One of the most persuasive benefits of creating and selling an info-product is that it is so straightforward to produce. All it takes is a little time and dedication outside of business hours (which can be freed up with an adjusted routine) and your expertise, which you (hopefully) already possess.
Technological innovations make it easier than ever to create a successful info-product. Suppose you wanted to produce an instructional video, for instance. In that case, you could use highly accurate automated transcription software to create a transcript of the video and sell it alongside the video, making it easier for your customers to learn and refer back to your product in the future.
Furthermore, thanks to the rise of eBooks, you can self-publish for little more than pocket money. It doesn’t matter if you are prominent in your industry or not. As long as you have valuable information to offer and you can vocalize it in a readable, easy-to-understand manner, you could have a lucrative product on your hands.
Technological innovations make it easier than ever to create a successful info-product. Suppose you wanted to produce an instructional video, for instance. In that case, you could use highly accurate automated transcription software to create a transcript of the video and sell it alongside the video, making it easier for your customers to learn and refer back to your product in the future.
Furthermore, thanks to the rise of eBooks, you can self-publish for little more than pocket money. It doesn’t matter if you are prominent in your industry or not. As long as you have valuable information to offer and you can vocalize it in a readable, easy-to-understand manner, you could have a lucrative product on your hands.
It is simple to draw attention to your info-product
The good news is, it isn’t rocket science to market your product, either. The best ways to market an info-product is either through your business’s marketing department (if your business has a relevant email list it is a major plus), through industry podcasts, radio shows, and blogging.
You may not have time to write out a hundred blog articles promoting your product, but you will probably have time to email a notable podcast, explain what you’re selling and why you’re a good guest. They will most likely accept your offer.
The great part about selling your product this way is that it creates an added prestige to you and your business and promotes your business’s products in the process.
You may not have time to write out a hundred blog articles promoting your product, but you will probably have time to email a notable podcast, explain what you’re selling and why you’re a good guest. They will most likely accept your offer.
The great part about selling your product this way is that it creates an added prestige to you and your business and promotes your business’s products in the process.
It creates a ‘halo effect’ around your brand
Leading on from the previous point, having an info-product and marketing in through blogs, interviews and podcasts serve a larger purpose than just selling a few books or audiotapes. It creates a halo effect around you and your business.
Just look at the cult-like following of Elon Musk and Steve Jobs. They built their reputation by being industry figureheads, marketing their own personalities and attributes alongside their businesses, to create a far more voracious customer base.
While you can’t expect results like theirs, you can use the same marketing techniques to improve your reputation within your industry and massively boost your business marketing as a result.
Just look at the cult-like following of Elon Musk and Steve Jobs. They built their reputation by being industry figureheads, marketing their own personalities and attributes alongside their businesses, to create a far more voracious customer base.
While you can’t expect results like theirs, you can use the same marketing techniques to improve your reputation within your industry and massively boost your business marketing as a result.