Social Media and Latinos
Social Media Usage Amongst Latinos
Social Media allows Hispanics to stay connected with family not only in the United States but also in their home country. Social media campaigns geared toward the Hispanic community must be tailored toward the target market — each segment of the population has different online habits.
For example:
Ages 18-49
Social Media allows Hispanics to stay connected with family not only in the United States but also in their home country. Social media campaigns geared toward the Hispanic community must be tailored toward the target market — each segment of the population has different online habits.
For example:
Ages 18-49
- Online Habits. 18-49 year olds view online content and social networking sites as a practical resource for their everyday lives
- Reviews. This age group routinely passes their reviews along to family, friends, and colleagues and are also more likely to pass on or share negative opinions online with them.
- Interconnected. They are more likely to have membership across many platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) They are also more likely to access social media using their phone.
- Online Habits. Today’s Hispanic baby boomers account for an estimated 10% of the US boomer segment and are extremely brand loyal. They go online to access information on the things that are already familiar to them (particular brands, newspapers from their hometown or country of origin, etc.)
- Mix it up. A social media campaign geared toward Hispanic babyboomers must blend traditional media outlets (broadcast, radio, print) with an online component. A great way to implement this is to include a call-to-action in a television commercial for viewers to access the company’s Facebook page for a chance to win an awesome prize.
- Spanish language is key. According to a Latinos Online report from the Pew Hispanic Center, 32% of Spanish dominant US Hispanic adults are online. So having content in Spanish is pretty essential to reaching this segment of the population.